From Upcoming Shows
Art-a-Whirl 2016! May 20th-22nd with hours: Friday 5:00-10:00, Saturday 12:00-8:00, Sunday, 12:00-5:00.
I will again be a guest artist at the Casket Arts Carriage House, 1720 Madison St. NE, Studio #303.
Stop by and see my new gourds!
Last show of 2024!
Wow this came up quickly and now only 4 days away! Always a fun show with a variety of great artists. Hope to see you there. (sneak peaks of my latest work to come in a day or two).
November Shows!
Loring Park Art Festival
Less than 2 weeks away now! Here are a few sneak peaks as promised!
1st show of 2024!
Only 3 weeks away! July 27th -28th. I will be in booth #124 this year (a new location for me). Stay tuned to some sneak peeks of my new work !
Loring Park Art Festival
Coming very soon! I will be back in my same location – booth #94. Hope to see you there. And stay tuned for sneak peeks of my new work!
Women’s Art Festival
Final show of 2022! Saturday, December 10th, 2022 from 9:30-4:00. Always a fun show with fine artists! Hope to see you there…
Annual Homewood Studios Show
Opening Reception this Friday, November 11th from 5:00- 8:00. Amazing artists and amazing art! Hope to see you there!